
Word For The Day: WHAT’S YOUR “BEARING”? – Pastor Faith Oyedepo

Word For The Day: WHAT’S YOUR “BEARING”? - Pastor Faith Oyedepo 1

“And they thirsted not when he led them through the deserts: he caused the waters to flow out of the rock for them: he clave the rock also, and the waters gushed out.”
-Isaiah 48:21-

So many people have visions, dreams and aspirations, but lack direction. This makes their vision appear empty because there are no clear paths to follow. Direction is a major prerequisite for success in life and ministry. Your vision without the necessary steps to achieving it will end you in a ditch. For every vision, there are inbuilt steps towards its achievement and until you follow those steps, you might not see it fulfilled.
When God told Moses to take Israel out of Egypt, He gave Moses a path to follow. If Moses had gone through a route that he thought was “shorter,” he would have led the Israelites to their doom. God never leaves His children stranded; especially those He specifically sends on assignment.
Therefore, it is not advisable to embark on ministry or your calling without direction from the Giver of that vision. The reason why people get stranded on the way is not because God doesn’t tell them the way to achieve that calling, but they are not patient enough to get the direction to the success of that vision. It is direction that makes your adventures smooth and sweatless.
There is no mountain, no matter how high that can stand in your path when you are acting on direction from God. His direction brings peace, provisions, health and prosperity. It is dangerous to step out at any time without having received adequate guidelines from Him on what to do, where to go and how to pursue after your calling. Understand that God is always committed to leading you, if you will be committed to following Him. So, before you follow after that vision, get direction. For it would preserve your destiny and save you a whole lot of stress.
Remain Blessed!

Written by Tomi Blessed

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