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An MP3 of the song,

A 600 x 600 px Song Covert Art

An Artist Profile/Bio

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13 Balogun Street,




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  1. Please help me get the title and minister of the song you played around 9: 00-9:15pm Tuesday 811/16 with the words “we are soldiers”. Thanks in anticipation.

  2. Good morning Admin,

    I would like to unsubscribe. I have been searching for where to unsubscribe but have not seen. Please stop sending me updates. Thank you.

    • Good afternoon, We received your message. Pls which of our mails did you send your message too and i will like to send our packages to you so that you can chose the package you will like to run with us.

      Standard Rotation (Once per day) 20,000 per Month
      Light Rotation (twice per day) 40,000 per Month
      Heavy Rotation (Four times per day) 60,000 per Month
      SERMON airplay 30 min 10,000 per day

      • Publishing on Gospelbuzz Site
      • Social media share
      • 1 Whatsapp and BBM broadcast

      • 1 weeks Social media shares
      • Distribution / publishing on 10 sites.
      • Publishing on Gospelbuzz Site
      • General airplay on Gospelbuzz radio.
      Airplay on our radio is a complementary service we render and is completely at our discretion.

      • Press kit (press statement, artwork, song/video, artiste bio and contacts)
      • Four weeks daily social media share
      • Once a day airplay on Gospelbuzz radio for one month
      • 2 BBM and Whatsapp broadcasts
      • Distribution/publishing on 20 blogs/sites
      • Interview on Gospelbuzz radio
      • All items for the press kit including song or album cover art are to be provided by the clients. We however can help put them together at additional costs.
      • Social media share includes pre and post hypes usually split into 2 weeks each but can be altred based on the client’s discretion.

      • Press kit (press statement, artwork, song/video, artiste bio and contacts)
      • seven weeks daily Facebook share
      • Four weeks Facebook campaign (guaranteed reach of 3000 people minimum)
      • six weeks daily tweets
      • Once a day airplay on Gospelbuzz radio for six weeks
      • 3 BBm and whatsapp broadcasts
      • Distribution/publishing on 30 blogs/sites
      All items for the press kit including song or album cover art are to be provided by the clients. We however can help put them together at additional costs.

      • Press kit (press statement, artwork, song/video, artiste bio and contacts)
      • Two months daily Facebook share
      • Two months Facebook campaign (guaranteed reach of 6000 people minimum)
      • Two months daily tweets
      • 4 BBm and whatsapp broadcasts
      • Distribution/publishing on 40 blogs/sites
      • One premium site (
      • One national newspaper publication
      • Once a day airplay on Gospelbuzz Radio for three months.
      All items for the press kit including song or album cover art are to be provided by the clients. We however can help put them together at additional costs.


      • Press kit (press statement, artwork, song/video, artiste bio and contacts)
      • Three months daily Facebook share
      • Six weeks Facebook campaign (guaranteed reach of 9000 people minimum)
      • Three months daily tweets
      • 5 BBm and whatsapp broadcasts
      • Distribution/publishing on 60 blogs/ sites
      • Two premium sites ( and
      • Two national newspaper publications
      • One magazine publication
      • One radio airplay twice a day for six months
      All items for the press kit including song or album cover art are to be provided by the clients. We however can help put them together at additional costs.

      • Press kit (press statement, artwork, song/video, artiste bio and contacts)
      • Six months daily Facebook share
      • Six months Face book campaign (guaranteed reach of 15,000 people minimum)
      • Six months daily tweets
      • Twitter trending
      • 6 BBm and whatsapp broadcasts
      • Distribution/publishing on 60 blogs/sites
      • Three contemporary sites (,,, and
      • Three national newspaper publications
      • Three magazine publications
      • Four radio airplays twice a day for 4 weeks (schedules at different strategic intervals)
      • One year once a day airplay on gospotainment radio.
      • in this packageh, we make sure that there is a buzz about you in mainstream media every week for 5 months.
      • The client gets to choose what contemporary sites the works will go on.
      • All items for the press kit including song or album cover art are to be provided by the clients. We however can help put them together at additional costs.

      We await your response

  3. Hi,
    Sorry to bother you but Would you like to reach brand-new clients?

    We are personally inviting you to join one of the leading markets for influencers and affiliate networks on the web, Fiverr Pro.
    This network finds freelancers and influencers who will help you improve your website’s design, ranking and promote your company to make it viral.
    Freelancers of Fiverr Pro can: Improve your website design, make viral videos for you, promote your website and business all around the internet and potentially bring in more clients.

    It’s the most safe, easiest and most reliable way to increase your sales!

    What do you think?

    Find out more:

  4. Re: Website Error


    Hope you are doing well.

    My name is Steve, I am a Google certified digital marketer and also an SEO expert with 11 years experience. We have served clients domestically and outside the US.

    Today, I visited your website and found it’s good and professional. However, I Have noticed that there are some area needs to improve on your website, that’s why I’m reaching you out.

    1. Google Page Speed for Mobile Devices
    2. Load Time Was Very Slow
    3. Domain Authority
    4. Link Diversity
    5. Missing
    6. No alt Texts
    7. Pages Not Found in a Sitemap
    8. Long Titles

    Hidden errors can drain away potential visitors while your competition takes them instead. Don’t let this happen to your business!

    People nowadays, use Google for everything! Services, Health, Shopping, Information, etc. Here our work comes in place! We get your website ranked for the best keywords that have huge traffic volume and high conversion rate.

    I would love the chance to send you all the errors that at least give you a gauge on the quality of what I do.

    If you are interested then please share your Phone number and requirements.

    Our prices are less than half of what other companies charge.

    Thanks & Best Regards
    Steve Smith

  5. Request for advertising on
    Hey There,

    I really like your blog- and if you are agreeable, I’d like to include it in a database of websites I sent to my clients looking for guest posting opportunities.

    However, I would need a bit more information from you first!

    1. What is your editorial fee to post an article ?
    2. What types of links are acceptable? Do-follow or no-follow ?
    3. Are you OK with adult/gambling/marijuana links?
    4.Do you add disclosures/sponsored tags or you can avoid this?

    I will send payment via PayPal or another payment provider by special agreement.

    In addition, if you manage any other websites I might be interested in – any language or niche – please send me the details, as above.

    Look forward to hearing from you!
    Kind Regards,
    Veselina Dzhingarova

  6. “Hello,

    I’ve been a long-time visitor of your blog and was wondering whether it’s possible to put an article on your site that includes a finance/education link. If this is something you’re interested in, please let me know. How much do you charge for postings with do follow permanent links?

    We accept regular links as well if you don’t accept the above request.

    (If you have any further sites to recommend, please post them along with their prices.)

    I eagerly await your thoughtful response.

  7. Looking for paid article advertisement on your site
    “Hello there,

    Good day. I sent you an email a few days ago but I did not receive a reply. I am not sure if you got that email or not. We are very much excited to post an article on your site, which is related to the finance/education site. If it is possible, how much does it cost?

    If you are not interested in the above request, We will accept regular links also.

    In case you have sites to offer, please send us a sites list along with prices.

    Plz, mail me back if you are interested or not.”

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