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HomeArticles5 Things A Gospel Artist Should Never Do On Stage

5 Things A Gospel Artist Should Never Do On Stage

We live in times when being a believer is becoming more and more difficult. You have a whole lot of things calling for your attention, and sometimes saying no or fleeing from these temptations can be quite difficult.

In recent times gospel music have been gaining momentum, but despite that some people still hold this mindset about gospel artist as people who does not have ‘swag’.

But the truth is that as a gospel artist if you try to go by the world’s definition of ‘swag’ you will end up ruining your musical career, except you want to delve into secular kind of music.

Below are the lists of things you should never do on stage as a gospel music minister.

Never pull off your clothe: For the secular artist, this is one of the things that can be referred to as swag, but if the world dubs it swag should you do it in other to feel accepted? No!

Imagine if the ladies start doing that because their male counterparts are doing it too. The truth is that you can be a great performer without letting the world dictate what you should or should not do to be trendy.

Swag is not about going naked on stage.

Never use profane language: This is one of the worse things you can ever do on stage. The use of profanity includes behavious that depicts offense because it shows a lack of respect for other people.

On no ground should you ever allow yourself as an artist get caught up in an unnecessary show of disrespect either towards your audience, back up/instrumentalist or fellow artist.

Remember you are not just on the stage to entertain, but also to represent the Christ who you preach in the lyrics of your song.Let people know God through you

Never loose your panache: Whenever you are invited to minister anywhere, expect excellence but also prepare for the worst.

You will agree with me that things will not always go your way, but the most important thing is that you know how to manage the situation so it does not escalate into a scandal that will jeopardize your musical career in the long run.

Sometimes the offence could even come from a member of your team, perhaps the person you least expect it from, remember you are not to allow your emotions consume you to the point where your countenance reflects anger or you begin to pick a fight on stage.

Never be self-centered with your presentation: Remember that the show is not all about you.

You are not there to prove that you are better than anyone else, rather your job is to take your audience on a journey of fun and experience of the power of God.

Never allow yourself to be too carried away by the cheering of the crowd that you get lost in it. Relax and enjoy yourself and also help your audience enjoy every bit of your performance.

For instance, if you feel the need to say something to your audience, let it be about them, let them know how much their presence means to you and how the power of God will move in their lives to heal restore and bless them as they worship with you.

Let them know that you care about them.

Never try to be like everyone else: the worst thing you can ever do to your career is to trade who you are in a bid to be like someone else.

As a gospel artist you should be aware of your strength and weaknesses, and whenever you get on stage maximize your strength. The fact that the other person spoke to the audience in phonetics should not make you force yourself to do same.

Be unique, let your performance exude excellence and panache.

Your Uniqueness is

What else do you think a gospel artist is not suppose to do on stage? Add yours in the comment session below.








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