
Story of the Day : John the thief and James the savior.

Story of the Day : John the thief and James the savior. 1

About three phones have gone missing in our room in the past five months. When we reported to the School’s security, they only told us that it

was a roommate that is responsible.

Everyone of us in the room was waiting for the day we will catch the culprit. Last Tuesday, when we were all asleep; I think it was about 2 am, Ben woke up suddenly and his phone was gone. His phone was the

most expensive of us all. When Ben woke up and couldn’t find his phone, he sprang up from the bed and

quickly opened his

cupboard. He rummaged the contents, even

removed his clothes but could still

not find the phone.

I was in the room when it happened; sitting and reading before I dozed off with my heading resting on my books. So when Ben couldn’t find his

phone, he gently

shook my shoulders until I woke up.

‘It has happened again’, he told me.

I didn’t even need to ask what happened as I could see the panic and loss written

in his eyes.

This is the second time his phone had been

stolen. So I took my phone and dialed Ben’s

number; just to be sure it had not been

misplaced. ‘Error in Connection’ was what I saw on the screen of my phone. I dialed it again and it started

ringing not just on

my phone, but the actual ring tone of Ben’s Samsung phone was faintly audible.

We were both surprised when we

heard the tone.

I beckoned on Ben to keep quiet as

he was visibly

ready to ‘finish’ the person who took

his phone. I continued dialing as we moved

silently, following

the direction of the ring tone.

There were four bunks in the room, each with two bed spaces. Ben and I use the same

bunk just beside the door and the sound was

coming from the last bunk at the extreme left corner.

We tiptoed, Ben and I, like Jack Baeur until we

traced the sound to the top bed space on the last bunk.

‘So it is John who had been stealing phones in

this room’. Ben whispered to me.

We shook his leg and woke him up only to find out it was not John sleeping on the

mattress. Neither of us had ever seen the guy

before. To make matters worse, the ringing was coming

from the bag he was using as pillow.

When he woke up, he looked at us

strangely as if

he didn’t know why we were there.

We opened the bag and found not

just Ben’s

Samsung, but three other phones.

‘So, you are the one who’s been

stealing our

phones!’; Ben shouted at him.

Before he could find an excuse, Ben

slapped him

on his left cheek and walked out

looking for

anything to break one or two of the

guy’s bones.

I don’t know; but there was

something about the

guy. So I asked him,

‘Oga, what are you doing here?’

‘What are you doing with Ben’s


He was just looking at me without


anything, so I slapped his right

cheek with my left


‘ANSWER ME!’, I screamed at him;

waking up the

roommates who were around.

John had obviously gone to night

class to read

and I assumed the other three

roommates who

were absent had also gone to read.

The two guys remaining in the room

with me and

Ben came and gave their own round

of slaps.

The accused was now staggering

when Ben came

back with a long wood hard enough

to kill the


As he raised it up, the three of us,


roommates, held his hands so he


murder the accused.

Ben dropped the wood and swept

his right leg

against the thief’s legs and he fell


Ben had told me before that he had

attended the

Soldiers’ recruitment training but

failed the

medical test. I believed him right


I looked at the guy crumple on the

floor and

before Ben killed him, I decided to

interview him,

at least to know who he is.

He was now sitting on the ground

where he

landed from Ben’s force.

‘Who are you?’

I asked him again; this time gently.

He was crying but it was only the

tears that were

coming out.

It was then I realized he had not

even uttered a

word since it all started. Not even

when he fell to

the ground.

‘Why are you in our room’? I asked


‘Can you even talk?’

He shook his head then.

I was now confused. Why was he

shaking his


So, I asked again,

‘Can’t you talk?’

He shook his head again.

‘Wait, is it that this guy is dumb?’, I

asked the


The guy then nodded his head and

pointed to his

mouth and then shook his head left

to right.

It hit me then.

The guy is dumb but not deaf. That

was the first

time I am seeing a case like that.

My anger changed to pity


‘Are you dumb?’, I ashamedly asked

the guy to


Again, he nodded his head.

‘Can you read and write?’

He nodded again.

‘Get me a pen and note!’ I said to

my roommates

over my shoulder.

I collected the pen and wrote on the


‘Who are you? Explain yourself.’

I was almost in tears as I read his



‘My name is James, I am John’s elder

brother. I

am a student of Delta State

University. I was

traveling to Delta but our bus

stopped for the

night at Benin. So I decided to sleep

with my

brother till tomorrow morning. He

brought me

here around 12 am and went out to

night class to

read. He gave me the bag to keep

for him. So I

decided to use it as pillow so that it

won’t be


I held the note with the guys at my

back as all of

us read it.

I became so weak I almost fell.�

‘The guy is innocent.’ I needlessly


When we realized this, even I was

ashamed of


Ben just stood there with the wood

he almost

used to hit him, looking as if he was

the one who

had been beaten.

I am not sure, but I think I saw

tears in his eyes

as he realized he had just punished

an innocent


So we knelt down; Ben and I, we

knelt down and

clasped our hands so he will know

we were really


With tears in our eyes, we told him,

‘We are sorry. Sorry for accusing you

wrongly and

beating you for it’.

The dumb guy just smiled with

bleeding lips from

the blow I gave him. He smiled and

looked into

our eyes. And I could see pity in his


He smiled and shook his head and

then wrote in

the same paper.

‘It is Alright. I took the pain

willingly. Please

don’t beat my brother anymore. I

knew why you

were beating me. John had always

been a thief,

right from home. But please don’t

report or beat

him again’.

Tears dropped from my eyes as I

read his

sacrifice. He deliberately allowed us

beat him just

so that John be free.

I lend my hand and raised him up

as I used my

cloth to wipe the tears from his face

and blood

from his lips.

It was then my own tears flowed

from the

corners of my eyes.


Although this story is 100% fiction,

this is what

Jesus did for us on the cross of

calvary. kept

quiet and even died so that we can

be saved. He

never protested his innocence but

bore it all for

us. He gave his life for you. What

have you given

for him?

Someone shared. with me, don’t

forget to also share

Written by Perry Martins

Perry Martins, officially known as Martins Okonkwo is One of Africa's foremost Gospel Music and Christian Entertainment blogger. He is Tony Elumelu Foundation Alumni and a Young African Leaders Initiative Alumni.
Perry is also a Radio and TV host on Gospotainment Radio.

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