
Have You Found The Beauty In Your Ashes?

beauty for ashes

Lady K became a shadow of herself after an encounter with a group of cult guys in school that wrecked her mentally.

She got easily pissed off over every slightest offence, blaming everyone for her plight.

She hated with passion everything in trousers including females as she always made a mental picture of everything and everyone as being male.

Friends got irritated after much effort to know the reason for her strange behavior so as to help her, and they all began to flee from her one after the other until she became completely deserted.

Prior to the incident, Kathrin, popularly known as lady K was a very sociable, and fun to be with lady.

Her intelligence plus kind heart attracted friends to her.

She was the cynosure of all eyes.

Almost every guy that came across her wanted a relationship with her, but she had vowed to remain chaste till marriage.

More traumatizing for her was the fact that she was not meant to tell anyone what happened, as the gang had threatened to have her killed if she ever open up to anyone on what happened to her.

The fear of what they could do made her bottle up.

Kathrin almost went crazy as she kept deteriorating by the day, after much thought on what next to do with her life, she decided to leave school.

Back home, Kathrin was made to go through a series of therapy, it took a while before she regained herself, but the great news is that today she owns one of the biggest initiatives helping rape victims get back their lives.

You see, there is a beautiful message in that thing you call ugly experience.

Going by the biblical context, ashes symbolizes sufferings, pain, troubles, grieves, while beauty signifies liberation, relief and emancipation.

In life, no one is exempted from suffering; we have all at some point in our lives or the other been through an unpalatable phase which we don’t wish to ever go through again.

But the good news is that, FOR EVERY ASHES, THERE IS AN ENBEDED BEAUTY and you’ve got to find it.

Just like lady K who needed to be raped so she can be well equipped to help other rape victims, there is a good reason for whatever you’re going through today even if your ashes is as a result of your mistake.

Your good, bad and ugly experiences in life are God’s way of enriching you with an authentic message for your generation, and only those with a valid message remain relevant in life.

Let me end with this scripture………ll Corinthians 1:4 “He (God) helps us in all our troubles, so that we are able to help others who have all kinds of troubles, using the same help that we ourselves have received from God”.

You see, you’re going through that phase, so you can receive help to help others who may be in same situation tomorrow.

There is a BEAUTIFUL MESSAGE in your ASHES, find it and USE it to BEAUTIFY HUMANINTY.







Written by Ugoma Johnson

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