
Video: He’s My Son – Mark Schultz

Mark Schultz

Mark Schultz, the legendary He’s My Son crooner, known for his story telling tradition of singing is one you cannot fail to mention when it comes to capturing everyday happenings and life challenges through gospel songs.

Schultz has dished out lots of amazing songs, such as ‘Hallelujah’, ‘Remember Me’, ‘Letters From War’ which he sang as a tribute to the US Armed Forces and many others.

Watch lyrics video:

‘He’s My Son’ portrays the pain of a couple at a church in Nashville, Tennessee where Mark Schultz served as a youth minister whose son was battling with cancer.

Schultz having observed the struggles of this couple became laden by the need to help relieve their pain, according to Schultz in CC Top 100 Greatest songs In Christian Music:

Louise often stayed up with (Martin) until he fell asleep. She would rub his back and try to comfort him, but she felt helpless. Some nights, John would wake up and walk down the hall to Martin’s room and watch him sleep. As he stood there, he would try to imagine what life would be like without his son.

Schultz also explained that he:

tried for several months to write a song for John and Louise, but nothing seemed to capture what they were going through. I couldn’t begin to understand the depth of pain John and Louise faced every day – but God did.” He then went on to explain that eventually “the only thing I had to do with this song is that I just happened to be there when God sat it in my lap. -Source-Songfacts.

‘He’s My Son’ is one song you cannot listen to without letting out some tears, as it also brings to fore the power of God to heal and restore and see His people through every challenge.

This song is worth listening to.





Written by Ugoma Johnson

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