
Monday Motivation – Messy, But Not Messed Up


A time comes in everyone’s life when everything seems completely out of line.

I mean that time when it feels like life is no longer worth living.

I’m talking about those moments in life when everything seems totally out of place, and then you wake up every morning and you’re wondering why God didn’t just call you home from sleep.

I am actually referring to that particular time in life when you’re too tired of living, yet too scared to die.

Yes! I mean those moments when life becomes too burdensome and you’re wishing you could just wake up one morning and realize that it was all a dream after all.

They are those times you shut yourself away from the rest of the world, you keep to yourself because everything that people say or do reminds you of something you’re trying so hard to forget.

What about those times when you cry yourself to sleep and wake up the next morning with a swollen face, and when people ask what happened to you, you say you’re having conjunctivitis (Apollo).


You see my people, I may not totally understand what you’re going through at the moment, but I know what it means to be at your lowest.

I understand what it means for life to take a tour on you.

I know how it feels to have a relation who is ill, and each time you look at the person you wish you could just end their pain; hence they could be fine.

I truly understand how it feels to lose a loved one to the cold hand of death at a time when it seemed like you needed them the most in your life.

I know what it feels like to have dreams that are way beyond you.

I know what it means to go to bed hungry and wake up the next morning not knowing how or where the meal for that day will come from because I have been there.

I understand how it feels to hawk the streets of Nigeria just to make ends meet, yet the harder you work, the more distant from each other the ends become.

I know how painful it is waiting on God for the fruit of the womb, not because I have been there, but because my mum told me how tough it was for her waiting for years before she had me, and how tougher it was for her when children started coming and the first three happened to be female children.

I know that feeling when you have to roam the streets of Nigeria in search of a job.

I understand how it feels to be going in and out of failed relationships when guys/ladies who are not even as responsible, well-mannered, beautiful or faithful as you are wedding every weekend.

Above all, I know what it is like to have an unanswered prayer point.


But beyond all that, I also know that though everything in your life might seem MESSY, yet you are not MESSED UP. At least be thankful for that.

No matter how messy things are in your life, there’s always something to be thankful for.

The problem most times is that as human we tend to focus too much on the things that are not working in our lives that we forget to be grateful for the little things that are working.

I know you have a lot on your mind, but can you just spare a minute and thank God for the little things He has blessed you with.

Believe me, those things you see as little are really not as little as you think, because they are the things that money cannot buy.

Most times gratitude is all you need to be fine. Life makes more meaning when you show gratitude.

No matter what it is you’re going through today, I encourage you not to focus only on the negative, be positive in your thinking.

Be grateful to God for the little, yet BIG things He has blessed you with.

Oya what are you grateful for today?

Leave a gratitude message in the comment.















Written by Ugoma Johnson

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