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So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jona, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.

16 He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jona, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep.

17 He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jona, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep. (John. 21:15-18)

I have been considering the level of ‘look-warmness’ in the Body of Christ, and I began to wonder why somebody who was so hot for God, all of a sudden became so cold and reluctant !

Then the answer came through the above scripture!

Sometimes we believers erroneously assume we LOVE God,  until one day something happens, then we discover that that Love was actually fueled by something we have or something we desire to have.

There’s an acid test for genuine Love!

And God always permit us to pass through that test! Not because he is wicked, but for Him to know how He deals with each one of us.

The question is: What is the Anchor  of your Love ?… Hmmmm

Because you were told that the moment you give your life to Christ, the lines will fall in pleasant places for you!

So you decided to be serious with God…

Because you needed a good job, you wanted to get married, you needed a house or a car, you even wanted to be famous as a man of God etc. But three years down the line, nothing seems to be happening !

Then you sit down and see yourself as the worst human, your mate has gone far remember.

At this time you have been given a responsibility in the church, so going back to the world is not an option, and there’s no fuel again to drive you forward.  So you remain a normal church worker…

Note: This happens unconsciously!

Am relating to you why people are getting tired in the body of Christ…

Lets draw or example from two great people in the Bible:

 Job and John the Baptist.

We are all familiar with the Story of Job, but there’s something I want to show us:

When Satan was roaming around the Earth, all he saw was the riches of Job, his children, his house, his cars, his marriage, his ministry etc.

So when God said to Satan “have you considered my servant Job”?

Satan responded “ah! God leave that thing, Job is simply loving you because of one of these things..” (Job. 1:8-11 Paragraphed)

Just touch any of those things, and you will see his love for you melting like wax; to extent that he will curse you!

But unknown to him (Satan) that non of these things can move Job (According to Paul Apostle).

Maybe because he had Job said he is afraid of his children’s death, so he began to destroy everything including his children…

And Satan was so shocked; that non of those things could make Job to curse God… And he (Job) boldly declared “Though he slay me, I’ll yet trust Him”…(Job 13:15).

 What is that thing that if it doesn’t go the way you wanted it to go, you will be offended in God?

Is it your ministry or your marriage, is it your job, your education?

The Bible says “in ALL THINGS, GIVE THANKS!”

Let’s consider John the Baptist

Jesus testified about this great prophet as the greatest (Matt.11:11).

But listen John when convenient was attacked by the devil

 And said unto him, Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another? Matt. 11:3

This was a man who announced publicly that Jesus is the Christ that should come!

So he wasn’t just trying to know God neither was he still growing in the Faith….as we call it.

 I have seen men of God who’s passion for God has died; no zeal, no drive! All they do is just climb the alter, perform and come down!

 This is a very serious issue, and it will help us from trying to equate God to things!

 Am I saying God does not bless? Capital NO.

God takes pleasure in our prosperity, but it is a risk to make these pleasures your priorities; because you will become a cheap victim in the hands of the devil

Paul Apostle said “What shall separate us from the love of God?” Then he began to count… (Rom. 8:35)

 *What is the Anchor ⚓ of your LOVE for God?*

*Loves thou me more than these?* Mat. 6:33. My prayer for us is that nothing shall succeed in quenching our passion any more! That we will take off our eyes from results and focus on the one who is the SOURCE of Results in Jesus Mighty name! Amen.

Written by Victor Ekong

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