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Church of England launches Anti-Racism Taskforce

Church of England launches Anti-Racism Taskforce 1

A new Anti-Racism taskforce has been launched to oversee changes aimed at achieving racial equality in the Church of England

The taskforce is formed of nine members and will be chaired jointly by Rev Sonia Barron and Rev Arun Arora. 

They will make recommendations on what immediate actions the Church should take to improve its record on racial justice and equality. 

Its creation follows a time of reflection for the Church of England after its parliamentary body.

General Synod was voted in February to apologize for racism experienced by UK minority ethnic (UKME).

Later in the year, the Church of England faced heightened scrutiny over its complicity in slavery and racism.

Mostly when Black Lives Matter protests spread to the UK following the death of George Floyd in the US. 

Despite efforts in recent years to address racial inequality, the Church of England has struggled to attract clergy from UKME backgrounds. 

The taskforce has been set up ahead of the launch of the Archbishops’ Commission on racism in spring 2021.

The taskforce’s work will include laying the ground for this commission, and making further recommendations as to its remit and composition. 

Rev Barron, a former adviser to the Committee for Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns (CMEAC) said:

“The taskforce has been set up at a critical time in the history of the Church of England, with the Black Lives Matter movement pushing racial justice right up the agenda.

“The Church has an opportunity that it cannot afford to miss – we cannot just pay lip service to issues of racism as we have done for so long.

It is vital that we listen to all the different voices out there and having listened, fulfil our mission as a Church, by taking appropriate action.”

Rev Barron (Director of Ordinands/Vocations for Lincoln Diocese)
Rev Arora said the emphasis now was on actions, not words.

“For more than thirty years the Church of England has been talking about racism, making recommendations and passing resolutions.

Despite this the Church remains a place which is poorer for the lack of participation of all God’s people in the fullness of its life together.

“The time has now come for urgent implementation and action.

The purpose of the taskforce and commission will not be to produce more reports.

But rather to directly address the sin of racism and those impediments that prevent the Church from fulfilling its call so that racial justice is both done and is seen to be done.”

Rev Arora (A vicar in the Diocese of Durham)

Written by Victor Ekong

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