LIFT YOUR NAME is a popular old worship song, but Pastor Chineze has flavoured up and personalized this ever green worship song in a way that will resonate with every worshipper in this new rendition.
Lift your name is the first track off her album ‘Endless’. It’s an 8 track album with some of the best spiritual songs you ever heard, watch out for it.
Enjoy the great song and keep lifting Gods name higher!
Audio Player[download id=”40428″]
Brief Profile
Chineze is a Pastor and an anointed music minister with the mandate of revealing Jesus and connecting men to God through intentional worship experience. Co Pastor at the Fathers Church Abuja,
Connect with Pst. Chineze
Twitter @iamCHinezeOkeke
Instaram @Chineze_Okeke
Facebook : Juliette Chineze Okeke