After its well acclaimed 3rd edition worship concert in 2015, The Try Worship team is set to lead Lagos into yet another unforgettable worship experience on November 27th, 2016.
The Team of young worshipers have had quite a journey from its debut concert at Kaduna, Nigeria in 2010 which was a leap to their Aberdeen, Scotland edition in 2012.
From it’s passion for music, worship and God, The Try Worship team has again set a platform where people come together in celebration of faith, using their gifts to glorify God.
“The Glory of His Presence” holds on Sunday , 27th of November , 2016
RCCG LIFE GATE Assembly , 237 EgbedaIdimu Road , off car wash bus stop, Idimu
Ministering : Try Worship Team , Ife Odongiyon , Efe Nathan , LadiAdewumi ,Maya Lawal and Anu&OlumideOdesanya