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HomeArticlesHead To Head - Timi Dakolo's Wish Me Well video VS Dare...

Head To Head – Timi Dakolo’s Wish Me Well video VS Dare Art Alade’s Pray For Me video (@dareyart @timidakolo)

Head To Head is where we review music videos of songs that have certain similarities and common grounds. We pitch the music videos head to head and discover who nailed it or failed it. Each music video will first be reviewed separately then compared one to another based on storytelling, costume, make up, picture quality, props, relevance of video to song, choreography, attention to details, direction and location. So, here goes –

Both songs tell the story of a young man leaving home to the big city to make it big and asking for family and friends to pray for them and wish them well. Also, both songs don’t tell of a quick Grass to grace story but rather highlight the struggles people face to making it in big cities. Both artistes are of international repute and both were brought to lam light on the IDOLS stage. Now that we have established a few similarities, shall we dig in?


Thoughts: The angle with which he came up with this one was not expected at all. I for one thought he would do the Lagos city vibes and the struggle to make it in Lagos or any other bustling and enterprising city for that matter. The bullet maker and how he makes the substance that ends life probably all in a bid to make ends meet but finds it difficult to have a good night sleep until he begins to make amends thereby nursing those wounded by his bullets back to life. The good thing about this video is that it was done to have such an international appeal and the attention of high end well educated audiences as well. There is no better way of saying upscale.



Thoughts:  Dare brings the story from the very beginning. He takes us back to the village and tells the story of a young man and his refusal to heed to his fathers advice and stay back home a little longer instead of going to the city but he refuses and leaves breaking his mother’s heart.  He goes to the city and works hard and staying true to the story in the song, he sends a letter home telling his dad he is still trying to survive in the city three years and eleven months since he arrived the city, he says he knows things would have changed now eg his sister must be all grown up already. Well, things had changed for real because not only had his sister grown up, his mother was no more. The scenes where he was writing the letter reminiscing on the fun memories with his mother and the immediate capture of the reality of His mothers demise is gold. This video is sure to get any audience hooked. The story that was told and the way in which it was told was excellent. I particularly love the angle Dare came from and think it was a smart choice to exploit the strong bond between mother and son in the course of the story. It was not absolutely necessary but it added so much more depth and color to the video. excellent choice of cast by the way. I myself was almost moved to tears the first time I watched the video and discovered the character of his mother was dead. This video is nothing short of brilliance.


PRAY FOR ME                                                                                          WISH ME WELL

Relevance to song – 9                                                                                   Relevance to song – 5

Story-line – 9                                                                                                  Story-line – 7

Picture Quality – 8                                                                                        Picture Quality – 9

Choreography – 7                                                                                          Choreography – 6

Attention To Details –   8                                                                             Attention To Details – 9

Costume –   9                                                                                                  Costume – 9

Props –   9                                                                                                        Props – 9

Make Up –  8                                                                                                   Make Up – 7

Location –  9                                                                                                    Location – 8

Direction –  10                                                                                                 Direction – 9

Overall –   86%                                                                                                Overall – 78%




Omo Iya Shola
Omo Iya Shola
God lover. Food lover. blunt and exciting to be with. Rita Dominic over Genevieve any day, i live life to the fullest in Christ. and my Father/ Son relationship with God is as should be - He love, protects and corrects while me am just the pampered child.


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