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I Cannot Jeopardize The Sanctity And Sacredness Of God’s Word For Material Gain – Abel Damina

Pastor Abel Damina is one man who has continued to lend his voice against the brainwashing of believers by some men of God that they must always sow the seed of money to attracts prosperity.

In this video clip posted by @daddyfreeze, pastor Abel Damina says his minister friends are angry at him for speaking against prosperity messages.

Daddyfreeze while responding to the video wrote:

daddyfreezeThis is the truth and if you are a true christian, not a pastor worshipper you will know these words are nothing but the pure truth.

Just like him, I used to support the prosperity gospel, I have paid tens of millions in tithes and was the Mc for many prosperity gospel events until God called me to reveal his truth to me and to take up his cross.

If you are a genuine Christian, please please pray for Abel Damina, the man in the above video, who has so brashly spoken the unfiltered truth. Please also pray for @yomi_kasali who is also speaking the truth, pray for them not to relent, pray for the persecution of this adulterous generation not to deter them from speaking up for Jesus.

Also, I can see that the truth has been laid upon the hearts of @thesamadeyemiBishop Okonkwo & WF Kumuyi, and they have begun speaking it, but maybe are afraid of its impact upon the church as we know it, so seem a bit hesitant to say it all. Please pray for them to set their fears aside & speak the truth despite the looming persecution.

As for the rest, many have unwittingly sold their souls to satan the god of this world in exchange for wealth, worldly power and for material things, some are still redeemable but most are too far gone in the service of the devil to ever see the light of the gospel.


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This is the truth and if you are a true christian, not a pastor worshipper you will know these words are nothing but the pure truth. – Just like him, I used to support the prosperity gospel, I have paid tens of millions in tithes and was the Mc for many prosperity gospel events until God called me to reveal his truth to me and to take up his cross. – If you are a genuine Christian, please please pray for Abel Damina, the man in the above video, who has so brashly spoken the unfiltered truth. Please also pray for @yomi_kasali who is also speaking the truth, pray for them not to relent, pray for the persecution of this adulterous generation not to deter them from speaking up for Jesus. – Also, I can see that the truth has been laid upon the hearts of @thesamadeyemi Bishop Okonkwo & WF Kumuyi, and they have begun speaking it, but maybe are afraid of its impact upon the church as we know it, so seem a bit hesitant to say it all. Please pray for them to set their fears aside & speak the truth despite the looming persecution. – As for the rest, many have unwittingly sold their souls to satan the god of this world in exchange for wealth, worldly power and for material things, some are still redeemable but most are too far gone in the service of the devil to ever see the light of the gospel. – Join me at 1:30pm today, as I teach THE RANSOM, live on YouTube.com/daddyfreezeteaches – ◄ 2 Corinthians 4:4 ► New Living Translation Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God. – ◄ Matthew 10:22 ► New Living Translation And all nations will hate you because you are my followers. But everyone who endures to the end will be saved. – ◄ 1 Timothy 6 ► [9] Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. – ◄ 1 Timothy 6:5 ► New International Version and constant friction between people of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.

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