Nigerian televangelist, pastor, and music minister John Omosuyi recently released the powerful worship song “Eternal Life,” which inspires trust in Jesus Christ.
A revelation of God’s Word gave rise to this song. The Power of God, “The Gospel,” transforms believers into new creations in Christ. You get a new identity when you receive eternal life, which is a big package of salvation (2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 2:10). You can become more like Christ as you listen to the song “Eternal Life.”
New Creation Worship Music Minister John Omosuyi is committed to creating music that is consistent with the Bible and effectively communicates the revelation of Christ in a New Creation.
Omosuyi wants his ministry to change people’s lives and help those who hear it discover who they are in Christ.
The gift of eternal life, which is God’s kind of life, is made possible by faith in Jesus Christ. Christ’s divine nature, which entitles us to be referred to as God’s sons, is eternal life (1 John 1:12, 1 John 5:11-13).
Eternal Life (Lyrics) – John Omosuyi
This is the life of God
In the inside of Me
Divine nature of Christ is in me
What He can do as God
I can do as Son
Divine power and Authority is in me
Eternal life
Eternal life
God’s kind of life
And It’s all I have in me
So, I have it
yes, you have it
And we have it
God’s kind of life
God’s Kind of Life
Zoe of God
Zoe of God
For updates on John Omosuyi’s ministry and new music, follow him on all social media platforms.