
Movie : The Measure Of Your Faith

Measure Of Faith

Measure Of Faith

The measure of your Faith is a supernatural faith film based on a true story. Set in a regional country town Pastor Samuel Grant is up against the biggest challenge of his Life. God and Satan and there eternal conflict comes directly to Samuel’s heart as they wage a game for his Faith and ultimately his soul.

Samuel is a man who has spent his life spreading the word of God and living by his Faith. Unable to comprehend the supernatural events continuing to impact his life. Can Samuel hold on to his Faith which he has lived by. Or will it be weighed and found wanting. ‘The Measure of Your Faith’.

Written by Marvel Loise

An easy going intelligent lady whose first and forever love is God. Music lover,great achiever,smart thinker, writer, song composer. Generous, beautiful and lovable. My watch word: "BE GOOD TO EVERYONE WHEN YOU HAVE THE CHANCE TO" Instagram : @marvelloise

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