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Nigeria vs Iceland – Lessons From The Match


On my way home from work on Thursday, I boarded a bus in which I sat in front, but I listened carefully to the conversations going on at the back sit between the conductor and some passengers.

Some guys started a conversation about yesterday’s match with Iceland, they were of the opinion that Nigeria will win, meanwhile the conductor was of a contrary opinion that Nigeria will never win the match.

Honestly it wasn’t a minor argument as the conductor who was already furious with the guys at that point came up with every reasonable reason to prove that Nigeria cannot win Iceland.

You see, the problem with that conductor was not that he did not believe in his country or that he was not being patriotic enough, his problem was that he judged Super Eagles based on their last performance which was really nothing to write home about. To him, the fact that the Super Eagles did not win their opening match was enough for him to believe they cannot win any match.

Lessons learnt.

>Never judge people based on their past mistake no matter how terrible it was.

>It doesn’t matter how bad you have fallen in the past, you still have a chance to rise and try again.

>Even if you fail uncountable times, the world will forget that you ever failed and gather to celebrate you when you win. (Today we are all celebrating the Super Eagles, even me that took sleeping tablet last week just to avoid watching the Nigerian match, I am also celebrating them. And that reminds me, do you even know that the literal meaning of my name Ugo is Eagle? *Wink*).

>No matter how bad things are around you, you have two options, it’s either you complain about how things are not working or you can choose to be the MUSA in that place.

To you reading this now, does it feel like the world has written you off?

Does it feel like the whole world is collapsing on you?

Have you been trying to achieve a certain goal, but it seems it is not forthcoming?

Is there something you are believing God for in certain areas of your life?

Chill, what did I say? CHILL, it is not over yet, you can achieve it if you keep at it.

Keep moving, if you try and it doesn’t work, try again, winning is assured if you don’t give up.

Keep moving.

Keep scoring.

Keep being the MUSA that gives people reasons to celebrate.




Written by Ugoma Johnson

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Music: Worthy – Kike Mudiaga