Sunday, March 16, 2025


On Sunday, Pastor Tony Evans of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship continued his “Kingdom Voting” sermon series with a message entitled, God and Life .

Earlier this month, Evans started the series to teach Christians to vote from a biblical worldview as November’s presidential election draws near.

According to The Christian Post, Evans’ latest sermon highlighted the importance of respecting the sanctity of life because humanity is made in the image of God.

Pastor Evans said:

“When you don’t start with the image of God, then you make life what you call it to be, not what God has created it and stamped it to be,” .

“Till we see it through God’s eyes, then we will not start in the right place.”

Evans stressed that it is a

“personal insult to God when life is not given the value He gives to it because what you said, is what God did is not worth protecting. So any discussion of life has to start there. Any discussion of life has to start with the divine mark.”

He continued by saying:

“And the job of government, the Bible says, is to protect that life,” “When God is left out of government, life and its value gets downgraded, reduced, dishonored and attacked.

So when you think about Kingdom voting, you must think about the question of life.”

The 71-year-old pastor explained how the sanctity of human life includes “pre-born life and post-born life; abortion before birth, and abortion after birth.”

Regarding abortion before birth, Evans asked what would have happened if Mary, the mother of Jesus, had the “option of abortion and decided to take it?”

“We know that couldn’t happen in the providence of God, but [under] some of the laws today, it would be OK to kill the Savior,” he said, adding that attacking life in the womb is ultimately an attack against God.

He asserted:

“That’s why He said in Genesis 9, ‘You attack my life, I will attack you.’ You want the government to keep you safe? It better keep you safe by keeping God happy.

It keeps you safe by keeping God happy by not … legalizing death in the womb,’” .

While it is important to “protest abortion in the womb,” Evans also urged that people should “righteously and peacefully protest abortion outside of the womb.”

That includes having laws “to protect the dignity of life” outside the womb. Evans stressed that slavery, Jim Crow laws, racism, police brutality, mistreating the poor and homeless, and red-lining districts are all examples of reducing or removing dignity.

In addition to proposing new laws, Evans called Christians to consider its application “without discrimination.”

He said:

“Talk to me not only about what you’re going to do with the poor but how you’re going to handle the rich who are breaking my standard.

But because they have money they can bypass it or eat their way out of it,” “No, there’s two kind of abortions.

There’s abortion in the womb but there’s abortion on your way to the tomb so that people don’t get to live out their divinely ordained destiny.”

When it comes to voting, Christians must consider voting for a government that upholds a “whole life agenda” in protecting human life from conception to death.

Pastor Evans asserted:

“And if your government party only is going to protect one side of it, then you hold them accountable and responsible to not ignore the other side of it,”

“You do it in a righteous way because if you try to do it in an unrighteous way, God’s not going to be with you there either,” .

“It is time for Kingdom voters, voters who take their stand as best they can, based on their conscience, to take a stand for life.”



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