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HomeDevotionalsRhapsody Of Realities - Words Mean Everything

Rhapsody Of Realities – Words Mean Everything

For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned (Matthew 12:37).

The greatest gift given to man in his natural life is the gift of words; the ability to express himself in words. It’s an extraordinary gift from God to human beings. Your inner personality comes out in words. Your words are important; words mean everything. Sadly, many haven’t realized this, and it’s the major reason they live ordinary lives here on earth. Everything God gave us is activated through words. Our very salvation depends on words. You received salvation by words; you maintain salvation by words. Whether you live or die is dependent on your words. Whether you live in sickness or health, poverty or wealth, victory or defeat, depends on your words. The Lord gave you the ability to speak; to use your mouth to chart your course aright in life. Your mouth wasn’t given to you primarily for eating and drinking and communicating with others; the primary function of your mouth and your tongue is to steer your life in God’s direction for you. Learn to talk right. Talking right means talking the Word only and always. It also means valuing what you say; learning to keep promises. Your words must have integrity; they must mean something to you. There’re people who are careless with words. Words Mean Everything For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned (Matthew 12:37). When they talk to you, they know their words don’t mean anything because they don’t plan to keep it. You must say what you mean, and mean what you say. Don’t speak idle, inoperative words. In Matthew 12:36, the Lord Jesus said, “But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.” God holds you accountable for the things you say. Don’t make careless statements, for they’ll produce results for you. One of the ways the world around you can see Jesus in you is through your character, which is often expressed in your words. Therefore, speak wholesome, gracious words every time and everywhere. Make it a conscious exercise to store God’s Word in your heart, for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34). As God’s Word dwells richly in your heart, you’ll develop and speak the right words; gracious and faith-filled words.

1-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN : 1 Thessalonians 4:1-18 Isaiah 59-60
2-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN : Hebrews 6:11-20 Ezekiel 8-9

Prayer: Dear Father, I thank you for showing me the importance and value of words. I live by your Word; therefore, my communication is modeled in line with your thoughts, precepts, and direction for my life. I speak faith-filled words always, knowing that my words are filled with power to transform my life and chart my course in victory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Omotosho Olamide Temitope also Olamine is a book junkie, lover of God, always smiling personality with a good heart. I never stop learning because i believe the world keeps evolving with new things yet to be learned. Subject yourself to learning so you can be a better you.


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