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My Take On- Depression and Suicide

My Take On- Depression and Suicide 1My take on……….DEPRESSION AND SUICIDE

Wars and rumors of wars all over the world, people killing, bombing and shooting each other. So many ills and wrongs in the society. It makes one doubt the belief that there can ever be peace in the world. People are afraid and the world is in turmoil, your next-door neighbor could just be your killer tomorrow. These days, killing a human is as trivial as clapping down a mosquito as if we have the power to give life. People are jumping over bridges and taking their lives at will. Life cannot be so bad that you would want to end it yourself.

    Suicide has been launched in our society. The things we hear on the television and see on social media are now happening in our environment. I used to think Nigerian are door die people. We as Nigerians joke at the fact that though our condition of life is far from great we really do not want to die. We believe we can survive anything come what may but the reverse is the case now.

        Depression has hit the Nigerian people so much that we now want to take our lives. I am so sad at the happenings around. The situation of our country doesn’t seem hopeful and we do not know the next news we are going to hear. We might just expect anything.  I do not know if it is the recession but people are becoming unhappier each passing day. What is really going on in Nigeria? Where is the strive, the optimism? Are we tired of suffering and smiling?

    Moreso has been shown to be the major cause of suicide in the world. About 90%of suicide perpetrators have at one point or the other been a victim of depression. This depression weaves its ugly talons around the minds of the people so much so that they lose taste for life and forget to look beyond the situation. Depression could happen to anyone around you. They may look normal but the light of life in their inner man had been snuffed off by depression. Help reach out before we lose everyone around us.

     Since no one carries the label depressed or contemplating suicide on their foreheads, let us at all cost try to put a smile on someone’s face each day. Who knows that person may be bearing burdens that are seemingly too much for him and that smile may be just what he need to be re-assured that everything will be okay. Be nice and go out of your way to light a spirit when they come across you. And if you are depressed or contemplating on suicide, think of the people you will be leaving behind. Think of your loved ones and friends, think of the fact that these ones will never recover from losing you and most importantly think of Jesus who loves you so much that He chose to die for you. You know, you can never find peace without knowing the Prince of peace and He in turn wants to know you.

      Life is beautiful and will be beautiful again. I know it seems impossible to get out of your situation now but there is always light at the end of the dark tunnel. Tough times never last but tough people do.  As Lagbaja would say “put a smile on your face no matter condition”. Don’t kill yourself oh because na all of us go enjoy this recession and recover from am together.

Nene Udoh


Marvel Loise
Marvel Loise
An easy going intelligent lady whose first and forever love is God. Music lover,great achiever,smart thinker, writer, song composer. Generous, beautiful and lovable. My watch word: "BE GOOD TO EVERYONE WHEN YOU HAVE THE CHANCE TO" Instagram : @marvelloise


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