Written By DJ Enersty – The Porch: Changing The Face Of Abuja Night Life
Nightlife in Abuja can take only a few forms, from hanging out with friends at one of the many barbecue spots, seeing a late night movie at the cinema or dancing at one of Abuja’s nightclubs/lounges.
The options get even fewer, or as some will argue, nonexistent for Christians who like to have fun, sing and dance without the excesses like dancing to unedifying music, drinking alcohol etc or any notion that comes with late night clubbing.
So, I was personally excited, probably, overly excited when I heard about The Porch. The owners of The Porch, Abuja’s first Zero alcohol club, designed their space specially for people in that category. Shade Tonade, the owner of The Porch, said she designed it to be a place where people will come and listen and dance to music, eat, taken non-alcoholic drinks and hopefully leave The Porch edified.
It is also surprising to see the variety of delicious non-alcoholic drinks that is on their menu. And if you are looking to grab a bite there is barbecued meat and shawarma.
Solomon’s Porch was mentioned 3 times in the scriptures John 10:23, Acts 3:23 & Acts 5:12. The first passage we see Jesus strolling through Solomon’s Porch and the Jewish Religious leaders questioning him if he was the messiah. Then in Acts 3, two apostles healed a lame man and people gathered at Solomon’s Porch to see the miracle that had happened there which then gave them with the opportunity to be introduced to Christ. Then finally in Acts 5 the scripture said Christians often gathered at Solomon’s Porch.
These passages echo the heart of The Porch. Shade Tonade wants The Porch Abuja to be a place to be a hub where believers gather and fellowship through music, fun and dance.
It is open to all and has a strict policy on zero alcohol and a no-smoking policy. The music that will also be featured will be strictly Christian themed music. And who better than one of Nigeria’s finest Gospel DJs, DJ Ernesty to hold down the music scene at The Porch.
DJ Ernesty over the years has built a solid reputation and is unashamedly proud of his faith and expresses it personally and creatively in his craft as a disc jokey. DJ Ernesty is The Porch’s official in-house DJ.
The Porch is located at Omega Events Arena, opposite National Lottery, IBB Way, Maitama.
The Porch opens every Friday and Sundays from 4pm. Tell everyone you know that can breathe and come have fun at The Porch.
For more information connect with Porch on:
Twitter: @theporchabuja|@djernesty