Wednesday, March 26, 2025
HomeArticlesThis Too Shall Pass!

This Too Shall Pass!

I know you have been through a lot in life, I mean so much that sometimes when you think about it, you wonder how you were able to scale through those years of hardship.

You look back to your background and you can’t help but feel pity for your parent for all the struggles they went through just to ensure that you and your siblings have a roof over your heads and food in your stomach.

I understand that even as we speak now you might be facing diverse challenges, you look around you and it feels like the whole world is crashing on you.

But listen, let me tell you this. You are not where you are coming from.

The fact that you started out poorly in life does not mean you will end up poorly.

The fact that you were not sent to school by your parents does not mean you can not amount to anything in life.

That you are struggling today does not mean you will continue to struggle for the rest of your life.

The fact that you are lagging behind in any area of your life today does not mean you can not rise.

Listen to me, you are not where you are coming from. Your background does not define you except you want it to.

You can rise above every challenge, yes it might not be easy, but with God on your side and your perseverance to keep pushing you will get there.

Are you going through a hard time now, I encourage to be strong. I may not understand the gravity of your pain, but one thing I know for sure is that you will get through it.

Like the saying goes, this too shall pass.









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