Tuesday, March 18, 2025


It’s Throwback Thursday! And as is customary of us, today we will be shining the throwback spotlight on a veteran Nigerian gospel artist in the person of Tope Alabi!

Tope Alabi, also known as Ore ti o common, and as Agbo Jesu is a Nigerian gospel singer, film music composer and actress.

She is probably best known as the composer and performer of a large percentage of all theme music and soundtracks from Nigerian Yoruba movies. She is also popular for songs like “Mimo L’Oluwa”, “Nigbati Mo Ro”, “Hallelujah” and “You Are Worthy” among others.

Enjoy our Throwback Spotlight today!


Tope Alabi was born on 27 October 1970 in Lagos State, Nigeria to Pa Joseph Akinyele Obayomi and Madam Agnes Kehinde Obayomi. She is the only daughter out of the three children in the family.

She is married and has two daughters, Ayomiku and Deborah. She hails from Yewa, Imeko of Ogun State, Nigeria.

Tope obtained her West Africa School Certificate (WAEC) from Oba Akinyele Memorial High School, Ibadan,1986. Thereafter, she proceeded to the Polytechnic Ibadan where she studied Mass Communication and graduated,1990.

Tope Alabi pursued her educational attainment with seriousness and dedication as it deserved. Between 1982 and 1984 during her secondary school days, her interest in music and drama led her to join the then “Jesters International” (Jacob, Papilolo & Aderupoko) group at Ibadan, it was feom there she got her initial training and experience in drama.

She worked with the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) in Ibadan as a correspondent under the supervision of Mr. Yanju Adegbite, between 1990 & 1991. She also worked with Centre-spread Advertising Limited, Ilupeju area of Lagos in the year 1990.

In 1992, after having various work experiences, Patricia Temitope Alabi came back into the theatre Art profession as she joined the prestigious “Alade Aromire Theatre group” in 1994.

There, she was able to distinguish herself as a gifted and talented actress and singer. At Alade Aromire theatre group, Tope Alabi was able to know all the core area of drama and acting profession.

She was involved in various film productions, stage drama and most importantly the soundtrack production in the Yoruba Movie industry.

Tope Alabi has been invited by various writers, producers and directors in the Yoruba movie industry to write and perform soundtracks for their various movies, she had to her credit to date, about 350 soundtracks which she had composed for various Yoruba movies.

She has countless number of songs to her name from albums including “Ore ti o Common”, “Moriyanu”, “Alagbara”, “Oruko Tuntun”, and “Yes and Amen” to name a few.

She recently released the “TOPE ALABI HYMNAL”, her latest music project which is still permeating the airwaves and is available here.



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