Nigerian Gospel Music Minister, Moji Alawiye, releases the video to this song titled Aanu ni which was released last year.
Aanu ni is not just a song, it’s the heart cry of a helped Woman who said, if it has not been the Lord who has been on my side, what shall my Israel say’.
This song well up from my Soul in an early hours of personal worship and fellowship with my Jesus! I look smart, brave, intelligent, beautiful..cos God made me so, but none of those things brought me through, it’s only by Mercy I am here. Aanu Ni
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Pastor Moji Alawiye fondly called PMA is a worship Pastor, conference speaker, a foremost gospel music minister in Nigeria whose ministry has spread to Europe , United Kingdom and North America.
CEO, Mammusic world, Creator worship experience live in Nigeria, President worship experience live USA Inc. An author, song writer, and TV personality.
Moji Alawiye is an anointed Praise worship leader. Her song writing skill blended with her spirit filled prophetic worship ministrations has endeared her to so many people. Trained over a thousand worship leaders in praise worship, song writing and leadership courses. A mentor and counselor to the youth and young families.