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Winners Chapel Intercessory Prayer Points For 2017

Winners Chapel

60 Prayer Points For 2017:

Praying For Supernatural Breakthrough

1. Father cause every Winner to experience the reality of “My Case Is Different” in all areas of our lives and prophetically declared. Mal 4:1-2

  1. Father in the name of Jesus, anoint every winner for a supernatural dimension for breakthrough this year that will turn each one to a living wonder. Is 45:1-3
  2. Father, decorate every Winner with supernatural breakthroughs, making us an attraction, thereby drafting multitudes to Christ and this church. Zech. 8:23
  3. Father in the name of Jesus, raise an army of financial giants, from this commission this year that will take the world by storms. Jobs 22:22 – 24

    5. Father in this perilous time, cause every Winner to ride upon the high places of the earth, as confirm the reality of our exemption to the world around us. Hab. 3:17- 19.

  4. Father as the world enters into the season of gross darkness, turn every Winner to a part finder, thereby causing kings to our rising. Isaiah 60:2-3
  5. Father open the eyes of every Winner to the covenant provisions for our exemption in these perilous time. Psalm 119:18

Praying For Signs and Wonders

  1. Father let there be unusual wave of signs and wonders in all our churches worldwide leading to supernatural gathering of multitudes. Acts. 9:33-34
  2. Father in the name of Jesus cause every acts in this church to be noised abroad as in the day of Pentecost, thereby drafting multitudes into this church all through this prophetic season. Acts 2:6/41
  3. Father in the name of Jesus let there be manifestations of apostolic order of signs, wonders and mighty deeds in our services this year, resulting massive influx of souls into this church. Acts 5: 12/14
  4. Father, in the name of Jesus grant boldness to every minister in this church in all through this year, resulting in the continuous flow of signs and wonders in the services. Act 14:3.
  5. Father, let there be multiplication of heart tricking sings and wonders that will draw multitudes to Christ and this church. Jhn.4:48

Praying For Healings and Deliverance
13. Father continue to send your word of healing and deliverance, resulting in the liberty of every Winner under the bondage sickness, disease or satanic oppressions. Ps. 107: 20

  1. Father, in the name of Jesus interrupt our services this year with instant healings and deliverances, resulting in the ingathering of multitudes in this church. Act 14:8-11
  2. Father, in the name o0f Jesus, continue to terminate every terminal disease by the power of your word in all services this year. Matt 10:1
  3. Father, let every long standing darkness and diseases, find instant healing in all our services this year leading to influx of multitudes in this church. Acts 9:33-34
  4. Father, by the power of your word, empower every winner to walk in total health and vitality all this 2017 and beyond. Job 33: 21-25

Praying for Winner Satellite Fellowship
18. Father, in the name of Jesus empower every cell in this church for supernatural growth resulting into further replication of cells this year. Jer. 30:19

  1. Father, in the name of Jesus turn every cell into a solution where every member needs shall continue to be supernaturally met. Zeph. 3:17.
  2. Father, in the name of Jesus turn every cell member into a sign and wonders, thereby drafting more souls into the cells and into this church. Zech. 8:20
  3. Father in the name of Jesus let every cell ministers be empowered by the Holy Ghost to effectively drive the cell replication agenda of the year. Acts 10:38
  4. Father, in the name of Jesus turn every cell member to a passionate and tireless soul winner, so we can be supernaturally blessed in return all through this great year. Jhn.4:35 – 36

Praying For Children Church Ministry

  1. Father, in the name of Jesus grant all our children’s church teacher a supernatural utterance, thereby causing your word to be glorified in the life of our children. 2Thess 3:1-2.
  2. Father, in the name of Jesus, let our children church be a launching pad for the rise of new generation ‘Daniels’, thereby turning each child to a living wonder. Dan.1: 17-18
  3. Father, in the name of Jesus, endue all our children with the spirit of the fear of the Lord, so as to serve you acceptably all the days of their lives. Heb. 12:28
  4. Father, by the blood of Jesus we destroy every evil manipulation of the devil seeking to turn our children from you. Rev. 12:11

Praying For Our Nation 1Tim 2:1-4

  1. Father, in the name of Jesus, for the sake of the righteous, spare this nation from devastation. Gen8:26-32
  2. Father, let the blood of Jesus cleanse the sins of this nation, thereby changing our story this year. Heb. 9:22
  3. Father, in the name of Jesus, let a mighty revival break forth in this nation that will deliver this land from her various challenges. Hab. 2:3 -6
  4. Father, in the name of Jesus, grant wisdom to the leaders of this nation, to stir the ship of this nation towards peace and prosperity in this perilous times. 1Tim 2:1-2.
  5. Father, in the name of Jesus let every evil counsellors be judged this year, resulting in the establishing of peace and stability in this land. Ezekiel 11: 2-4.
  6. Father, by the blood of Jesus, open a new chapter to the destiny of this nation this year. Is 62:5-6

Praying For The Needs Of The Member Of The Church
33.  Father, in Jesus name, let every member that desires to be married in Winner’s family be connected to their God’s ordained spouse this year. Ps 68:6

  1. Father, in the name of Jesus, supernatural restore the glory of the glory and color of every Winner this year, thereby leading many to Christ. Zech. 8:23
  2. Father, in the name of Jesus, turn every Winner family turn every Winner to a sign and a wonder all through this year, thereby drawing many to the kingdom and into this church. Zech. 8:23
  3. Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree continuous business and career breakthrough for every Winner all through this year. Is. 60:1-3
  4. Father, in the name of Jesus, let everyone called barren in the Winner’s family becomes a joyful mother and father of children this year. Ps. 113:9
  5. Father, in the name of Jesus let everyone on the line for miracle job be gainfully employed through diverse counters in this prophetic season. Matt. 6:33
  6. Father, in the name of Jesus we decree ‘peace be still’ to every raging storm invading the family of every Winner. Mark. 4:39
  7. Father, by the Holy Ghost break every spell of family unsettlement in the lives of your people, resulting to the restoration and sustenance of harmony in every home. Num. 23:23
  8. Father, set a seal of protection over every Winner and our families against all forms of attack this year. Ezek. 9:6

Praying For Challenged Winners

  1. Father, in this prophetic season, visit every challenged Winner, thereby restoring them back to the faith and into his church. Gen 21:1
  2. Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit, convict every challenged winner to turn from their ways and return to the lord and this church for their restoration and breakthrough. Matt 11:28-29
  3. Father in the name of Jesus, touch the heart of every challenged Winner, thereby restoring them back to tis spiritual family. Ps. 133:1-3
  4. Father by the Holy Ghost, locate and guide every challenged winner that may have gone astray back to this church for their restoration. Jn. 10:16
  5. Father, by the blood of Jesus, we destroy every force resisting the restoration of every challenged winner to this church this year. Rev 12:11

Praying For Pastors and Church Leaders

  1. Father continue to anoint all our pastors afresh for supernatural impact all through this year. Ps92:10
  2. Father, set a seal of protection over all pastors/ leaders and their families against all form of attacks althrough this year and beyond. Ps. 123:3-5
  3. Father, release fresh grace on every Pastors/leaders this year that will make them worthy examples to their flocks. 1Pet. 5:3
  4. Father, by the blood of Jesus, open the seal of your word to our pastors, culminating in unusual revelation that will result in the multiplication of disciples in all our churches worldwide. Rev.5:4-5
  5. Father by the power of the Holy Ghost, endue our pastors and leaders the grace to follow fully ,unto the point of reward. Num. 14:24

Praying For the Apostle Over This Commission

  1. Father, strengthen your servant to relentlessly pursue the “My Case Is Different” prophetic agenda with outstanding results. Ps 89: 20 – 21
  2. Father, we ask that you will give your servant fresh revelation in the word for ever increasing impact all through this year. Ps. 68:11
  3. Father, renew the prophetic grace upon your servant all through this year as confirm the words of his mouth. Isaiah. 44: 26
  4. Father, we decree that the oil upon your servant remains ever fresh and let him continue to experience ever- increasing anointing. Ezekiel 47:1-5
  5. Father, let your hedge of protection be strong around your servant and his family and let every arrow targeted at him return back to sender. Ps. 89:20-22

Praying For Fulfilment of Prophecy

  1. Father, by the revelation of your word, hasten the fulfillment of the 2017 prophetic word in the life of every Winner. Jer. 1:12
  2. Father, in the name of Jesus, open the eyes of every Winner to the reality of the prophetic provisions available to us this year. Ezekiel 1:18
  3. Father, in the name of Jesus, baptize every Winner with spirit of obedience, to keep the prophetic demands of the year, thereby experiencing supernatural exemption. Ezekiel 36:27.
  4. Father, continue to unveil divine secrets to every Winner, thereby causing us to ride prosperously all through this year. Gen. 41: 38-41


Written by olamine

Omotosho Olamide Temitope also Olamine is a book junkie, lover of God, always smiling personality with a good heart. I never stop learning because i believe the world keeps evolving with new things yet to be learned. Subject yourself to learning so you can be a better you.

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