
The Super Health Diet: The Last Diet You Will Ever Need – Dr. Richard Lippman

The Super Health Diet: The Last Diet You Will Ever Need - Dr. Richard Lippman 1

The Super Health Diet has been called “the most remarkable nutrition book of the twenty-first century” by Dr. Richard Lippman, who was a 1996 Nominee for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work in anti-ageing. Working with some of the top minds in the nutrition, medical, and fitness circles, K.C. developed a dynamic, no-nonsense approach to diet and health that is already helping thousands of people of every age and every stage of health to supercharge their body, soul, and spirit!

In The Super Health Diet, Craichy provides readers with a comprehensive evaluation of the diet industry, tracing its history as well as evaluating the major health clubs, popular diet plans, weight loss books, spas, clinics, as well as the pills, prescriptions, and procedures being used today. He demonstrates how it leaves people with the dilemma of what might work for them and shows how often the goals and products being promoted in the diet industry are out of sync with the medical-nutritional ideals and principles of good health. Through his research-based analysis, readers will understand what works and what doesn’t among the myriad of diets and weight loss approaches.

Then Craichy provides readers with a wealth of clear, concise information that provides a revolutionary approach to obtaining optimal weight while reaching a higher level of health and wellness. The information on the Four Corners of Superfood Nutrition, metabolism, the dynamic role of proteins in weight loss, and combining superfoods with supplements is at the cutting edge of our knowledge of how the human body works. Integrating the best research available today on every facet of weight loss, he combines his simple and complete diet with his six other lifestyle keys to unlocking lifelong vitality: proper hydration, exercise, managing stress, controlling and eliminating environmental toxins, achieving restorative sleep, and meditation and prayer.

Dr. Robert Fishman, a renowned pioneer in the area of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy with 50 years’ experience of counseling doctors and patients on weight loss, states, “The Super Health Diet is simply the best book I have ever seen on this subject! A must read for anyone interested in reaching a higher level of health and optimal weight.” It truly is the last diet any person will ever need!

Written by Tomi Blessed

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