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2019 started with a lot of promise and loads of good things, with many believers prophecy and proclaiming good things to themselves. So i stumbled across books to look out for this year and i tell you having this books in your library makes you a legend. The end of time is near (not in a scary way though) but it’s good one gets himself prepared against the test of times. So these are list of books one should read in this year.

1. Why I Love the Apostle Paul: 30 Reasons by John Piper
John Piper on why he loves the Apostle Paul. I’m grateful for both men, which to me makes this book look interesting. The author gave 30 reasons for loving Apostle Paul which made our list for books to look out for this year, cause i’m dusting my shelf, I don’t know about you.

2. 7 Myths about Singleness by Sam Allberry
Alberry’s contribution in this book is one to look out for which he debunks seven common myths about the single life. One might marvel at plethora of books written on the theme of singleness. This is definitely one to look out for this year.

3. The Life and Faith Field Guide for Parents: Help Your Kids Learn Practical Life Skills, Develop Essential Faith Habits, and Embrace a Biblical Worldview by Joe Carter
Joe Carter has been a prolific blogger for quite some time now. In this book he takes on the subject of parenting and provides practical tips for those of you with children. So parents, this is your genre and for aspiring ones, this book got you too

4. A Visual Theology Guide to the Bible: Seeing and Knowing God’s Word by Tim Challies and Josh Byers
What Challies and Byers are doing with their Visual Theology ministry, in which they have dedicated a previous book, a site, and now this book. They are engaging people not just with the mind, but also the heart and imagination.

5. Grace Defined and Defended: What a 400-Year-Old Confession Teaches Us about Sin, Salvation, and the Sovereignty of God by Kevin DeYoung
The author goes back to the 17th century and examines the Canons of Dort, a work that summarizes the Christian faith from a Reformed perspective. The misconstrued idea of believers about Grace was also tackled which made our list too.

6. Competing Spectacles: Treasuring Christ in the Media Age by Tony Reinke
We find ourselves in a rather distracted world. You know that. I know that. We all know that. And so does Reinke, who writes this book in part to help us learn how to treasure Christ amidst distractions.

7. Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion by Rebecca McLaughlin
A book on apologetics. Seems like the Christian publishing industry has been publishing tons of good books on evangelism and apologetics in the past 5-10 years. This book looks good.

8. J-Curve: Dying and Rising with Jesus in Everyday Life by Paul Miller
With this book, Paul Miller seeks to teach his readers a thing or two about personal discipleship.

9. Spirit and Sacrament: An Invitation to Eucharismatic Worship by Andrew Wilson
The outworkings of charismatic practice and a serious devotion to the sacraments are often divided. Wilson in this book attempts to unite the two, something he calls “Eucharismatic.”

10. The Hand of God: Finding His Care in All Circumstances by Alistair Begg
Begg has been a faithful preacher for decades. In The Hand of God, he examines the life of Joseph and writes on God’s providential care for those who are hurting.

Read these books and thank me next year.

Written by Assurance Patrick

One Comment

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  1. Great review Assurance Patrick.

    Alistair Begg’s book is one which I believe would be exceptionally motivating.

    I’d recommend Apostle Arome Osayi’s book “Choice: Man’s Most Important Power”

    The book is ready for preordering!

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