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HomeArticlesMonday Motivation - 5 Things To Quit Doing This Ember Months

Monday Motivation – 5 Things To Quit Doing This Ember Months

Quit the blame game: If there is anything that is very common during ember months, it is the fact that people become more agitated.

While some sit down to complain and blame people for all their unaccomplished goals, others look back to the months and thank God for the little accomplishments they have recorded while also working hard to achieve more.

Whatever be the case, whether you have achieved much, little or nothing at all, the truth is that playing the blame game is the most unwise thing to do.

Most people even go as far as putting blames on witches and demons for their failures.

It doesn’t matter who or what you’re blaming, the truth is, the easiest way to restrain yourself from achieving much is to keep blaming.

Quit being irresponsible: One of the biggest mistakes that most people make is to think that the only way one can be irresponsible is to become a drunkard, prostitute etc.

They don’t understand that anyone who constantly passes the buck or stands on the sideline while attributing his/her responsibility to others is equally as irresponsible.

Understand that no one really owes you anything and start taking responsibility for the outcome of your life.

Whatever result you have recorded so far is as a result of the choices you’ve made and the actions you have taken in the past months.

Why should you point accusing fingers on demons for your poverty when it is clear that you are not prudent with the little resources that God has put in your care.

You blame the old woman in your village for your inability to get married even when you know that your attitude towards people is filthy.

Shouldn’t you rather be thinking of how to become more responsible with resources and also work towards improving your attitude?

Be responsible for yourself.

Quit procrastinating: Before you read on, pause for a while and think about those amazing goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year.

Have you achieved all, have you started working towards achieving them, or you’re still mopping around and dilly-dallying?

If you are waiting for a perfect condition to start, then I’m afraid to tell you that there will never be anything as such. There is no better time to start than now.

Quit moping for too long: Life is configured in such a way that we cannot always have it our way, sometimes things happen to you and you find yourself becoming moody and gloomy, and before you know it, you’re already moping around endlessly without really doing anything meaningful.

Certain things must have come your way in the cause of the year and it can be quite difficult to move on when these things happen, but you should always strive not to remain down for too long. Get up, dust yourself and keep moving.

Quit holding on to the past: holding on to past wrongs and offenses can be quite a future wrecking experience.

There must have been people who wronged you or caused you some havoc, but you must learn to let go.

Negative feelings can be mentally draining, it saps your energy to move on and keeps your mind in a constant state of obscurity; hence you’re not able to think clearly.

Though it may not be easy to do, however, you’ve got to forgive and let go.

In conclusion:

The year is running out and the worst thing you will do to yourself is to become complacent. Get to work and start doing that which is required to move you to your next level.

This ember month should not be a time when you move from one prayer house to the other chasing after demons that does even know you exist.

Let me tell you, the demons are not more powerful in ember month, just as God does not become less powerful. Focus on what God has accomplished for you on the cross through the finished work of Christ.

You have all it takes to achieve your goals, though the year is almost coming to an end, but if you will do all that I have told you today you will be amazed at how much you will achieve.

God bless you.







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