Do you wonder why romantic relationships are so difficult to hold on to? Have you looked at our generation and asked questions like, “How come people never seem to stay together?”, or “Why are the divorce rates so high?” Does having a great marriage seem impossible? Have you ever been madly in love with someone at one point in your life, but then later wanted absolutely nothing to do with them? Has a relationship ever made you cry? Have you found yourself feeling depressed, angry, or suicidal? Has a significant other made you feel inferior? Do breakups make you feel alone and devastated? Have your relationships just changed the fabric of who you are all together? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then this book is for you.
“Soul Ties II: Love, Lust, & Lies”, is the second installment of the Soul Ties Trilogy Series: How to Detox from Toxic Relationships. This self-help guide simply, yet brilliantly explains why being in an intimate, romantic relationship can sometimes feel like an emotional roller coaster—sending you up one day, and down the next. With personal experience, societal evaluation, and spiritual wisdom, Del Lawrence explains how much of an influence our world and background have had on our perception of relationships. He exposes the agenda that media (music, television, and movies) have to destroy the ideal of healthy relationships, while promoting painful, toxic ones,
Using principles from the Word of God, the author breaks down the difference between lust and love, and explains that lies always bridge the gap between the two. His use of biblical scripture and step by step instructions teach you how to effectively break the negative soul ties that are holding you back from experiencing real love. Del Lawrence’s real and “to the point” approach, along with his great sense of humor make this book an exciting and enjoyable read! “Soul Ties II” is just the tool you need to unplug from the matrix of mess and the stress of society’s relentless agenda to tear down the fabric of family and healthy relationships. Following the principles and guidelines outlined in this book, will prepare you to experience the kind of love and relationship you’ve always dreamed of.
About the Author: Del Lawrence is a motivational speaker and life coach from Memphis, TN. After experiencing a life time of toxic soul ties — beginning with a childhood marked by physical abuse, an early adulthood plagued by mental and emotional abuse, and manhood entangled with painful intimate relationships — he has chosen to use his experience to help the world. His redemption — facilitated by an intimate relationship with Christ, a willingness to forgive, and the faith to become the victor instead of the victim—is something that he believes all people can achieve. He has published two books including, “Soul Ties: How to Detox from Toxic Relationships” and “Soul Ties II: Love Lust & Lies.”
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