

Word of the Day : AWAY FROM DEFORMITY 1

“Now Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his
master, and honourable …he was also a mighty man in valour, but he was a leper.”
(2 Kings 5: 1)

That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional today.

Naaman was a mighty man in his days; he was important to his master; he was captain
of the Syrian army. Naaman made remarkable progress in his career as a soldier, he
had risen up the hierarchy in the military, but there was one blemish on his awesome
credentials: he was a leper.

In Old Testament times, leprosy was synonymous with uncleanness. Naaman made
progress but lived with uncleanness; he was a shining star, but there was a
deformity and uncleanness in him that took the shine off his spectacular successes.
He was mighty, but yet deformed.

Friend, God’s plan is not for your successes to exist side by side with deformity
and uncleanness. God may have allowed you to become a success in your field of
endeavour, but He won’t be impressed if you lead a life of sin and immorality.

Your business, career, finances, etc may have become shining examples of success,
but it is no excuse for sinful ways and wrong attitudes in you. The progress you
have achieved is no licence to live in deformity and uncleanness.

Naaman may have been successful despite leprosy, but the leprosy in him was a dent.
Any imperfection in you is a subtraction from the success God has given you. If
Naaman had remained a leper, his leprosy would have taken a toll on him, and he may
not have remained a successful soldier.

Your successes and steady rise to fame and prominence is not an endorsement of your
deformity. Never mistake your consistent advancement in life as an endorsement of
your bad habit. Ask God to remove every uncleanness and deformity in you.

Pray With Me: Lord, I discard every uncleanness and deformity in me; my success will
not exist with sin, in Jesus’ name!

Follow on Twitter @jerrystreams.

Enjoy A Restful Saturday.

Written by chidiebere

Chidi is a Blogger for Gospotainment, a sports Analyst and a Devoted Christian

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