“The hand of the LORD was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the LORD…”
(Ezekiel 37: 1)
That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional today.
In our Focal Scripture, the hand of the Lord was upon Ezekiel, and carried him out to the valley of dry bones. The hand of God was upon Ezekiel and led him to a destination God determined by Himself. God’s hand was upon Ezekiel, and instead of Ezekiel leading himself, God continued to lead him.
Friend, as the last quarter of 2015 begins, allow God to lead you. The fact that God’s hand is upon you doesn’t mean you don’t need His leading. The fact that God has given you cause to smile and dance for joy doesn’t mean you can run your race without obeying God’s word and instructions. The fact that God is with you is no licence to lead yourself in life’s journey.
God’s hand may be upon your life for good, God may have shown you great mercy, granted you uncommon testimonies and unprecedented miracles, your breakthroughs may be mind blowing, but the evidence of God’s hand upon you is not an excuse to walk away from His leading.
If God stops leading you, you might arrive at the destination called destruction. When you dwell in unforgiveness, sin, lust, anger, prayerlessness, bitterness, ungodly words, etc, be careful, you are leading yourself, and you might soon end in a destination that will hurt your destiny.
Any man who stops with seeing the hand of the Lord will have a one-off experience; but anyone who continues with the leading of the Lord after seeing the hand of God will have a continuous experience.
Let God lead your thoughts, emotions, actions, inactions, words, involvements, commitments, etc. On this 55th Independence Anniversary, ask God to lead Nigeria in the direction He pleases.
Pray With Me: Lord, even when Your hand is upon me, continue to lead me, in Jesus’ name!
Follow on Twitter @jerrystreams.
Happy Independence Day. Enjoy A Graceful Month Ahead.