


“Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the
wind, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon
these slain, that they may live.”
(Ezekiel 37: 9)

That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional today.

In our Focal Scripture, God told Ezekiel to prophesy to the wind, that breath may
come and breathe upon the slain. Wind is part of the environment; wind was in the
atmosphere of the dry bones. God told Ezekiel to speak to the atmosphere and command
it to work for his miracle.

Friend, your miracle could be aided or scuttled by your environment. There are
people, policies, and structures in the environment of your career, business,
ministry, etc which may either aid or scuttle God’s plans for your destiny. Like
Daniel, some answers to your prayers may not have come because a territorial demon
is working against you.

Today, speak to your environment and command it to work in your favor. Command the
elements of nature- the sun, moon, stars, rain, etc to work in your favor;
prophesy unto the people in power and command them to work in your favor; speak
prophetically to policy makers in your operating environment and command them to
make policies that will aid your rise to the next level.

If you say nothing to your environment, other men may say things that will favor
them to your detriment. If you fail to make positive, profitable proclamations to
your environment, you may become a victim of someone else’s positive or negative
proclamations. In the realm of the prophetic, whoever makes a proclamation will be
listened to.

Ezekiel commanded the winds to fill the lifeless bodies with breath, and the wind
obeyed him in full. If you give instructions to your environment, it will obey you.

Pray With Me: Lord, I will always speak to my environment; my environment will work
for me, in Jesus’ name!

Follow on Twitter @jerrystreams.

Enjoy A Blessed Monday.

Written by chidiebere

Chidi is a Blogger for Gospotainment, a sports Analyst and a Devoted Christian

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