
How Long Will You Live On Earth?

what you do today

If you can answer the above question, then stop reading, this write-up is not for you, but if you cannot, please read on.

We all pray to live a long life.

Even the dead once wished for that too.

No one prays to be cut off in his prime.

Is that a bad prayer? Hell NO!

Even God in his word said He will satisfy us with long life.

But what truly is a long life?

Is it to live for a hundred years or more?

Is our understanding of a long life same as God’s?

And if yes, will everybody attain that long life on earth?

Many questions bugging my mind now

The truth is that our definition of a long life is quite different from God’s definition of a long life.

If I drop dead now, to you I lived such a short life, but to God it might not necessarily be.

That is why you must stop counting the length of your life by years, but by IMPACT.

Jesus lived on earth for only 33 years, but the world is yet to recover from the IMPACT HE made.

But look at you and I still struggling to find ourselves at 40.

A lot of people are busy postponing their lives into the years when they should be taking charge NOW.

Your life does not start at 40, please stop playing the fools game.

Your life started the moment you were conceived and activated the day you were born.

Therefore your goal should not just be how to live a long life, but how to live a meaningful life.

But how you may ask?

Read on.

Time is life, our lives from birth to death consist of time; hence anyone who habitually waste his time is unconsciously wasting his life.

Before you were born, you stayed for a particular number of months in your mother’s womb; you had to go through the formation stages which also required a specific set of time.

And when you were finally born, it was also a matter of time before you learnt how to sit, crawl, walk and even run.

All of these goes to show that man’s existence on earth is embed in time.

If your life is entrenched in time, isn’t it then stupidity to waste time, knowing that in wasting it you are as well wasting your life?

The truth is, you only have one life to live and the worse part of it is that you don’t know how long that one life is going to last and you can’t even decide how long it should last.

Like I said, we all pray to live a long life, maybe a 100 years and above, but the sad truth is that not everyone will live up to that number of years. Take it or leave it.

The earlier you accept this truth, the more you will learn to maximize the little time you have here on earth.

One of the reasons some people have not truly taken control of their lives is because they ignorantly think they have all the time to themselves.

Assuming you even have a guarantee of a 200 years on earth, the question is, how efficient can you be when you’re 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 and above.

Come to think of it, how long is 200?

Can you now see that there is no better time to truly live than now?

It is foolishness in the highest order to wake up every day doing just anything that presents itself.

I know there are times we cannot control the things that come at us and so sometimes we have to make decisions and take certain actions based on events that play out, but this should not become an everyday thing.

Make plans of what you intend to achieve each day in advance and commit them to God, by so doing even when certain events play out, you will be able to focus on what is truly important to you.

Never let anyone control your time for you, because anyone or anything that controls your time automatically controls your life.

Take every minute of your life seriously and use your time to the building up of humanity and to the glory of God.

Your life has started, but have you truly started living?

Start chasing that dream today.

Start that business now.

Apply for that training today.

Learn that skill.

You don’t have all the time, so stop wasting your life on irrelevant ventures.

If that relationship is not taking you anywhere, break away from it.

If what you’re doing today is not taking you closer to the future that befits you, then do something about it.

Anything that is not adding value to your life should not be allowed to consume your life.

Before you get into any venture ask yourself is it’s really worth your time.

Focus on things that truly matters to the WHY of your existence.




Written by Ugoma Johnson

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