E Shalom is a mother three, married to Pastor Sunny E of HE IS ALIVE Chapel Church Int’l. She’s from Abia state by birth but now a Deltan by virtue of marriage. E Shalom holds a Diploma in Banking and Finance from Plateau state polytechnic and a degree in the same course from Delta State University.
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A Peace Facilitator,  an Ambassador for Peace and Gospel artist  called to raise the barn of worship unto Jesus, E Shalom is passionate about the youths, women and soul winning. She believes everyone has something to offer in life because God never leaves His creation empty.
She has a new soulful single out titled LAY IT DOWN.
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When asked the story behind the song, this is what she has to say;
“As a motivational  speaker I meet all sorts of people and hear all sorts of problems. One day a woman was telling Me all she went through as a spinster, how it took the grace of God to get a man to say “hello” to her, and finally she settles down in matrimony but with tears in her eyes. She said to me, “Mama, I should have remained single… I don tire.”
At that moment I knew I needed to apply a higher level of wisdom and my choice of words must be divine. She went on and on lamenting just then  the Holy Spirit dropped three words ‘Lay It Down’. I told her when the road seem so narrow and you
can’t see anymore, lay it at the master, s feet etc.
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Her story touched me so deeply that I kept pondering on the three words Lay It Down, so all the stories I’ve heard from people motivated this song. No reason is big enough to make you contemplate suicide. It is not an option for you as a child of God . Lay it down at His feet for I know Jesus is a story changer. Child of God your case will be different if you only you can just set your eyes on Jesus. #Layitdown”
– E shalom
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LAY IT DOWN was produced by Dr. Roy and mixed & mastered by  Chrisbass.
Connect with E Shalom:
Twitter|Instagram: @eshalom1
Facebook: E Shalom
Email: psalmistshalom@gmail.com
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Great track ma. Thanks tega mandrake for the updates
Good music . I tap my miracle here and now
I claim it for 2017 .i lay it all to you lord. Thanks e shalom
The song to make a perfect soul .this is so live ,i love it my fellow delsulite
From the first song i heard on gospotainment ebube dike. I have not stop loving her song .God will bless your family mama.
Original prayer meant for every christian.cast all your budden to the king of kings
I can suggest the video is a blast