“Now Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his
master, and honourable… he was also a mighty man in valour, but he was a leper.”
(2 Kings 5: 1)
That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional today.
Our Focal Scripture tells the tale of Naaman, captain of the host of Syria. Naaman
was great and honourable, he was important to his master, but he was afflicted by
leprosy. Leprosy was not the form that God originally gave to man; it was a
deformity; so Naaman lived with a deformity.
Naaman’s miracle began when he was referred to Elisha by the Hebrew maid. He got
information that triggered his departure from deformity. Naaman washed in river
Jordan, he conformed to Elisha’s instruction, and was healed. The information he got
and conformed to led to his transformation.
Friend, your life may appear stuck in deformities and anomalies that God did not
plant in you, but you will be on your path to recovery and transformation if you
conform to the right information. The bridge between your deformity and
transformation lies in the information you are yet to act on. Your story may have
begun on a note of deformity, but if you find and conform to the right information
like Naaman, there will be transformation.
For every deformity in your character, and every stagnation in your career and
business, find scriptural principles that can facilitate your transformation and
conform to it. For everything in your life that you don’t want to see anymore, find
new information that can move you out of it.
Naaman’s transformation came by the finger of God, but he was first informed, and he
conformed to the information he got before he experienced transformation. Walk the
transformation pathway; if it worked for Naaman, it will work for you.
Pray With Me: Lord, help me to discover and conform to information that will
transform me, in Jesus’ name!
Follow on Twitter @jerrystreams.
Enjoy A Fabulous Friday.